EVCC Home  Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change in Panamá: a preliminary assessment

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In light of the data and methods used, as well as the visual effect of displaying the results in a map, we evaluate the validity of the results.

Again, a clarification must be made before the discussion:

  • an "ecosystem patch" is a single area of a certain ecosystem type
    • there are 1303 of these patches in Panama
  • an "ecosystem type" is defined more or less by the vegetation and can be in many places
    • there are 37 ecosystem types in Panama

    Example: the tropical broadleaf evergreen submontane rainforest (500-1000m Caribbean, 700-1200m Pacific) - no human intervention ecosystem type is located in 27 places in Panama. That is to say, this one ecosystem type is represented by twenty-seven ecosystem patches (see picture below--the highlighted areas are all of the patches that conform to one type)

EVCC1 - Sea Level Rise


EVCC2 - Ecosystem Geometry


EVCC3 - Climatic Space


EVCC4 - Species Sensitivity


Overall EVCC



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Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe

Panama Field Study Semester

© 2007 McGill School of Environment
McGill University
3534 University, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3A 2A7